魯昂。 商業船隻和駁船1972 ; 89 x 130 cm Rouen. Bateaux de commerce et péniches Oil on canvas |
海灘風景1972 油畫 畫布 89.5 x 130.5 cm ; DOELLAN Oil on canvas |
停泊的船 1973 油畫畫布 89 x 130 cm Bateaux au mouillage Oil on canvas |
靜物 1989 油畫 畫布 100.3 cm x 81.3 cm Nature morte au panier oil on canvas |
靜物與鬱金香 , 1978 油彩 畫布 81.3 x 100.5 cm ; Nature morte aux tulipes , Oil on Canvas |
藍色咖啡壺 , 1996 油彩 畫布 65 x 92 cm ; La Cafetière Bleue , Oil on Canvas |
貝納爾 畢費 Bernard Buffet
法國,1928 - 1999
1928年出生於巴黎,貝爾納。畢費是著名法國畫家,在上世紀四、五十年代開展藝術事業,成績斐然。畢費的具象派表現風格非常獨特,他以有力的菱角分明的粗黑線條為輪廓、人物造型突出、用色單調。此風格貫穿其創作生涯,初期作品多為單色調,以社會寫實為主,深刻描寫戰後的哀愁、苦悶。之後開始出現少許色彩,白灰底色襯托強烈黑黃紅,張力十足,而粗線條為其特色。畢費早年畢業於巴黎國立美術學院,不久即獲藝評家皮耶。德卡洛(Pierre Descargues)支持,在1947年舉行首次個人展覽,其中一件作品,<小雞靜物>更獲得法國現代藝術博物館購藏。畢費至此聲名大噪。自1950年代開始,他舉行過多場主題展覽,對法國及國際藝術界貢獻非淺。1955年僅27歲的畢費,被當時的《藝術知識》雜誌主辦[戰後十位最好的畫家]公開票選,結果是畢費選為戰後最傑出的十大藝術家之首。足見讀者觀眾多麼喜愛畢費的作品;1971年,畢費獲授法國國家榮譽軍團勳章;1974年,獲選為法蘭西藝術院(I Academie des Beaux Arts)院士。1973年,一位熱愛畢費藝術的日本收藏家,在靜岡縣長泉町建立一座貝納爾。畢費博物館,收藏其逾2000幅作品,故畢費在日本的知名度甚高。
畢費在西方藝術史上是唯一的典型,當他成功地找到了一種獨特表現形式與傳譯語言,他會向歷代大師一樣,執著地重複再重複,就像法國當代藝術批評家亞倫。亞雷克西斯。亞維拉(Alin Alexis Avila)所言:[貝納爾。畢費的繪畫擺脫了當代藝術思潮的左右,就像過去每個時代巨匠一樣,他的作品是建立一種內在需求,而這種需求是超越時間的]。是的,除此之外,畢費的繪畫是一點也不仰賴什麼,既不仰賴社會,也不依仗文化,既不根據任何思想也不屬於任何藝術,他在畫裏不說一句話不說一個字,一個註解都不下,他不委身於任何人。這大概就是我們一看作品就知道是畢費的畫的原因吧。
France, 1928 - 1999
In 1928, Bernard Buffet was born in Paris.Bernard Buffet was a French painter whose career stared between the 1940s and the 1950s. A figurative artist, he elaborated a very unique style of expression, with strong,angular black outlines, stylised figures and flat colours. Buffet was the representative artist of anti-abstraction figurative art, and the thin, rough, and black outline was his personal style. His early stage artworks were mainly mono-tone and based on social realism to depict the sorrow and depression after war. Afterwards, he used white and gray background color to emphasize the strong black, yellow and red color and thick online was the main characteristic, which results the dramatic tension on the canvas. After studying at the Ecole Nationale superiure des Beaux Arts in Paris. Buffet obtained his personal exhibition in 1947 thanks to the support of the art critic Pierre Descargues. On that occasion the Musee National Art Moderne of Paris bought the painting Nature morte au poulet for its collection. Buffets works were immediately acclaimed and from the early 1950s onwards, he contribution to the Parisian and international art scene with many thematic exhibitions. In 1955, at the age of 27, he was awarded the first prize by the magazine Connaissance des arts, which named the 10 best post-war artists. In 1971 the French state awarded Buffet the Legion Honneur and in 1974 the painter was elected to the membership of Academie des Beaux-Arts. Buffet is very well know in Japan, since in 1973s a passionate collector found the Musee Bernard Buffet in Shizuoka prefecture, Nagaizumi-cho. It holds there a collection of over 2000 works by the artist. |