淺間山 , 油畫 畫布 72.7×90.9cm ; Mount Asama , Oil on Canvas 南法卡涅蘇爾梅爾 , 油畫 畫布 60.6×72.7cm ; Cagnes Surmer, Southern France , Oil on Canvas 尼斯 , 油畫 畫布 53 x 72.5 cm ; Nice , Oil on Canvas 旺多姆廣場 , 油畫 畫布 53 x 64 cm ; Place Vendôme , Oil on Canvas 川奈富士(小室山) , 油畫 畫布 38 x 45.5 cm ; Kawana Fuji (Komuroyama) , Oil on Canvas


日本 1895-1976
出生於東京神田區的小米批發商。四兒子和三女兒的最小的孩子。在東京女子高等師範學校幼兒園,鈴木信太郎(法國文學家)是同學。 1908年畢業於東京高等師範學校(現筑波大學小學),1913年畢業於東京高等師範學校(現筑波大學初中和高中)。我通過了第七高等學校(現鹿兒島大學)文學系和海軍學校,但沒有入學。一年後的1914年,他進入慶應義塾大學金融系(現經濟系),但輟學加入了本鄉畫院。 1919年,他在Kofukai展覽中獲得一等獎。1921 年從神戶移居法國,並在巴黎的蘭森學院學習。他與中山巍、福沢一郎、大石七介一起住在洛恩街32號的工作室,後來又迎來了鈴木信太郎。它受到 Moise Kisling 和其他人的巴黎高等學校的影響。 1928 年在法國生活了 7 年後,在梅原龍三郎的推薦下,回到日本,在國學會展出。 1952年2月獲得每日美術獎。

Japanese 1895-1976
Born in Kanda, Tokyo, a rice wholesaler. Youngest child of four sons and three daughters. Classmate of Shintaro Suzuki (French literary scholar) at Tokyo Girls High Normal School nursery school. Graduated from Tokyo Higher Normal School (now Tsukuba University Elementary School) in 1908 and from Tokyo Higher Normal School (now Tsukuba University Junior and Senior High School) in 1913. I passed the Seventh High School (now Kagoshima University) with a degree in literature and the Naval Academy, but did not enter. A year later, in 1914, he entered the Finance Department (now the Economics Department) at Keio University, but dropped out to join the Hongo Painting Institute. In 1919 he won first prize at the Kofukai exhibition, and in 1921 he moved from Kobe to France, where he studied at the Institut de la Ranson in Paris. He lived in a studio at 32 rue de Lorne with Wei Nakayama, Ichiro Fukusawa and Shichisuke Oishi, and later welcomed Shintaro Suzuki. It was influenced by Moise Kisling and others of the École Supérieure de Paris. After living in France for seven years in 1928, it returned to Japan on the recommendation of Ryusaburo Umehara and exhibited at the National Society. He was awarded the Mainichi Art Prize in February 1952.

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