早春的卡涅斯, 油畫 畫布 65x53cm ; Cagnes in early spring , Oil on Canvas 南國之花 , 油畫 畫布 45.2×38.1 cm ; Tropical flowers, Oil on Canvas 南法風景 , 油畫 畫布 38x46 cm ; Scenery of Southern France , Oil on Canvas 伊特魯里亞的海邊 , 1959 油畫 畫布 38x45.5 cm ; Etruscan seaside , Oil on Canvas 歐洲風景 , 油畫 畫布 24.2 x 33.3 cm ; European Landscape , Oil on Canvas

崖の町, 油畫 畫布 24.3x33.4 cm ; Cliff town , Oil on Canvas        

田村孝之介 Tamura Konosuke

日本 1903 - 1986
1903年生於大阪。他的真名是大西幸之助。 1920年(大正9年)加入太平畫會研究所,後在信濃橋西洋畫研究所師從小出楢重。 1926年,《裸體女人》首次入選二卡展。 1926年,“裸體女人研究”和“靜物”入選全關西繪畫展。在 1939 年的二佳展上,展出了描繪護理傷殘退伍軍人的護士的「岩陰」。主題也加強了戰時色彩。
二戰後的1946年,他與小磯良平等人在大阪市立美術館附屬藝術研究所指導年輕一代。 1947年參加了二輪的創立,1952年首次移居歐洲。 1974年二科會長。

Born in Osaka in 1903. His real name was Konosuke Onishi. In 1920 (Taisho 9) he joined the Taiheiyo Art Association Institute and later studied under Koide Narashige at the Shinano Bridge Institute of Western Painting. In 1926, Nude Woman was selected for the first time in the Futaka Exhibition. In 1926,Study of a Nude Woman and Still Life were selected for the All Kansai Paintings Exhibition. At the 1939 Nika Exhibition, Rocky Shade, a depiction of a nurse caring for disabled veterans, was exhibited. The theme was enhanced with wartime colours.

In 1946, after the Second World War, he and Ryohei Koiso instructed the younger generation at the Art Institute attached to the Osaka City Museum of Art. In 1947, he participated in the founding of the Second Circle and moved to Europe for the first time in 1952. In 1974 he became president of the Second Society.

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