海灣 (おつけの浜), 油畫 畫布 99 x 124 cm ; Bay , Oil on Canvas 三津市的富士山 , 油畫 畫布 45.5×53 cm ; Fuji in Mitsu , Oil on Canvas 八方台的早晨(大雪山), 油畫 畫布 38 x 45.5cm ; Morning at Happodai (Mt Daisetsuzan) , Oil on Canvas 浅間初秋 1960 油畫 畫布 38 x 45.5 cm ; Asama early autumn , Oil on Canvas 恵庭岳 , 油畫 畫布 32×41 cm ; Mount Eniwa , Oil on Canvas

薔薇, 油畫 畫布 33.3×24.2 cm ; Rose , Oil on Canvas        

田邊三重松 Tanabe Miematsu

日本 1897 - 1971
出生於北海道函館。1916年(大正5年)函館商業學校畢業後,在繼承和服面料的家族企業的同時,他參加了路展和其他活動。 1928年,他辭去家族企業,成為一名小學教師。之後,在仁嘉展上,他於 1936 年(昭和 11 年)獲得了特殊待遇,並於 1942 年(昭和 17 年)獲得了仁嘉獎。 1945 年(昭和 20 年),他成立了動作藝術協會和禪道藝術協會,並繼續在兩個協會展出直到他去世。次年,即 1946 年,他辭去教職,專心繪畫。 1963年,他到歐洲旅行,在接下來的幾年裡,他展示了北歐的峽灣和瑞士的山脈等寒冷地區的風景。 1967年(昭和42年),由於對素描和繪畫的過度熱情,他的右眼失明,但仍繼續作畫。因對家鄉的文化繁榮做出的貢獻,獲得了北海道文化獎和北海道發展成就獎。

Japanese 1897 - 1971
Born in Hakodate, Hokkaido. After graduating from Hakodate Commercial School in 1916 , he took over the family drapery business and exhibited at the Hokkaido Exhibition, etc. In 1928 , he left the family business to become a primary school teacher, and in the same year his Fauvist style works, The Loading Place and Flower Grass, were selected for the 15th Nika Exhibition for the first time. In 1945, he founded the Behavioural Art Association and the All Hokkaido Art Association, and continued to exhibit in both associations until his death. In 1963, he travelled to Europe, where he spent the next several years showing landscapes of cold regions such as the fjords of Northern Europe and the mountains of Switzerland. He lost the sight in his right eye in 1967 due to excessive enthusiasm for his sketching trips and production, but he continued to produce his work. For his contribution to the cultural development of his hometown, he was awarded the Hokkaido Culture Prize and the North Sea Development Merit Award.


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