深山泉水 , 油畫 畫布 31.9 x 40.8 cm ; Mountain spring , Oil on Canvas        

小林和作 Wasaku Kobayashi

日本 1888 - 1974
出生於山口縣,15歲時移居東京,師從日本畫家田中頼璋,但不久就因身體不適而回國。 1904年:進入京都市立工藝美術學校日本畫系。在他的高中進入川北霞峰的繪畫學校,是幸野楳嶺的學生,1908年畢業於該校。進入京都市立繪畫學院,受教於竹内栖鳳。1913年畢業於京都市立繪畫院。 1920年他進入鹿子木孟郎的繪畫學校學習西式繪畫,並從初級炭筆劃開始,在那裡他結識了林重義和北脇昇等人。 1922年他移居東京時,看到梅原龍三郎和中川一政的作品,印象深刻。他決定改用西式繪畫。他接受了梅原、中川和林武的油畫指導。 1953年,他獲得了第27屆教育部部長的藝術鼓勵獎,1971年,他被授予勲三等旭日中綬章加頸帶。

Japanese 1888 - 1974
Born in Yamaguchi Prefecture, he moved to Tokyo at the age of 15 to study under the Japanese painter Tanaka Aizane, but soon returned to Japan when he became unwell. 1904: Entered the Japanese painting department at the Kyoto City School of Arts and Crafts. In high school he entered the painting school in Kasumine, Kawakita, where he was a student of Kouno Kagera, and graduated in 1908. In 1913 he graduated from the Kyoto City School of Painting. In 1920 he entered the painting school of Kashiko Kimi Monroe to study Western-style painting, starting with elementary charcoal drawing, where he met Hayashi Shigeyoshi and Kitawaki Rei, among others. When he moved to Tokyo in 1922, he was impressed by the work of Ryusaburo Umehara and Kazumasa Nakagawa. He decided to switch to Western-style painting. He received instruction in oil painting from Umehara, Nakagawa and Takeshi Hayashi. In 1953 he received the 27th Minister\'s Award for Artistic Encouragement from the Ministry of Education and in 1971 he was awarded the Isao 3rd Class Rising Sun Nakashou Medal with a neck ribbon.

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