盧森堡花園露台 , 油畫 畫布 50x60.6 cm ; Luxembourg Park terrace , Oil on Canvas        

藤本東一良Toichiryo Fujimoto

1913年出生於伊豆下田,不久移居大阪,1931年進入川端畫學校。 1939年光風會展覽一等獎,1942年光風會展覽特別獎,1946 光風會展會員日展特選,1947年在日展特別選拔,1954年赴歐洲旅行,1992年日本藝術學院帝國獎,1993年日本藝術學院成員 1993年 日本藝術學院成員。

Japanese 1913-1998
Born in Shimoda, Izu in 1913, he soon moved to Osaka and entered the Kawabata School of Painting in 1931. 1939 First Prize in the Koufu-kai Exhibition, 1942 Special Prize in the Koufu-kai Exhibition, 1946 Special Selection in the Koufu-kai Exhibition Members\' Japanese Exhibition, 1947 Special Selection in the Japanese Exhibition, 1954 Travel to Europe, 1992 Imperial Prize of the Japan Art Academy, 1993 Member of the Japan Art Academy 1993 Member of the Japan Art Academy.


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