箱根早春的駒岳,檢查站附近 , 油畫 畫布 38 x 45.5 cm ; Komagatake from early spring in Hakone, near the checkpoint , Oil on Canvas        

北岡數彦 Narihiko Kitaoka

日本 1910 - 1979
1910 生於香川縣琢磨町,1928年在神戶西畫院師從今井朝路、藤田嗣治,1931年參加美國二花展獲獎後加入同一個組織,1933進入歐洲,1935退出二科展,1949成為教師 ,1952 歐洲留學, 1954 創立港南洋画研究所 ,1955 太平洋展獲獎並被推薦為協會會員 ,1957 太平洋美術協會神奈川支部創始委員會副主席,1961 被任命為太平洋美術協會神奈川分會會員 ,1966 任會長。 1975年從太平畫會神奈川分會會長退休,成為太平畫會顧問。

Japanese 1910 - 1979
Born in Takuma-cho, Kagawa Prefecture1928 Studied with Asaichi Imai and Tsuji Fujita at the Kobe Western Painting Institute; joined the same organisation in 1931 after winning an award at the Futsukana Exhibition in the United States; entered Europe in 1933; left the Futsukana Exhibition in 1935; became a teacher in 1949; studied in Europe in 1952; founded the Minato Southern Painting Institute in 1954; won an award at the Pacific Exhibition in 1955 and was recommended as a member of the association; became a member of the Pacific Art Association in 1957. 1957 Vice-Chairman of the founding committee of the Kanagawa Branch of the Pacific Art Association, 1961 appointed member of the Kanagawa Branch of the Pacific Art Association, 1966 President. 1975 Retired from the presidency of the Kanagawa branch of the Pacific Art Association and became an advisor to the Pacific Art Association.

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