在格拉納達(西班牙) , 油畫 畫布 38x45.5 cm ; In Granada (Spain) , Oil on Canvas        


日本 1907 - 1990
出生於福岡縣門司市 1929 年起師從正宗得三郎 1943 年入選第 6 屆新文展 1976 年第 30 屆日展 1960 年在第 39 屆展覽會上獲得黑田獎 同年,“藪野雅夫自選展”在日動畫廊舉行,回顧他從1935到最新作品的舊作。戰前畫了很多山水畫,但戰後在戰爭中,他畫了裸體和穿著衣服的女性形象,以大膽的筆觸和豐富的色彩著稱,具有獨特的色彩感。

Japanese 1907 - 1990
Born in Moji City, Fukuoka Prefecture, he studied under Masamune Tokusaburo from 1929 and was selected for the 6th Shinbun Exhibition in 1943, and the 30th Japan Exhibition in 1976. Before the war he painted many landscapes, but after the war he painted nude and clothed women, known for his bold brushwork and rich colours, with a distinctive sense of colour.

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