十和田湖畔 , 油畫 畫布 45.5 x 53 cm ; Towada Lake , Oil on Canvas        

寺田 竹雄 Terada Takeo

日本 1908-1993
出生於福岡縣糸島郡(現在的福岡市)北崎村。 1922年離開了縣立初中樹人館到美國從加利福尼亞的一所藝術學院畢業,受美國政府委託在舊金山的科伊特紀念塔上畫了一幅壁畫。 1935年回到日本,與野田英夫合作為銀座棉花俱樂部繪製壁畫。第二年,他的作品在二科會展出獲得了特別獎,他也成為了會員。戰後他仍然活躍在二科會,後來成為常務理事,還被授予日本藝術學院獎,並成為日本藝術學院的成員。他在國外也很活躍,曾擔任國際藝術聯合會日本委員會主席和國際藝術聯合會副主席,並且是秋季沙龍和意大利美術學院的成員。他以強烈的構圖能力和色彩來畫裸體、肖像和當代習俗。

Japanese 1908-1993
Born in Kitasaki Village, Itoshima-gun, Fukuoka Prefecture (now Fukuoka City). Left the Prefectural Junior High School Shuejinkan in 1922 and went to the United States to graduate from an art school in California, where he was commissioned by the US government to paint a mural on the Coit Memorial Tower in San Francisco. He returned to Japan in 1935 and worked with Hideo Noda on a mural for the Ginza Cotton Club. The following year his work was exhibited at the NIKKEI Club, where he won a special award and became a member. He remained active in the Society after the war and later became a permanent member, and was awarded the Japan Art Academy Prize and became a member of the Japan Art Academy. He was also active abroad, serving as Chairman of the Japan Committee of the International Art Federation and Vice-Chairman of the International Art Federation, and was a member of the Autumn Salon and the Italian Academy of Fine Arts. He paints nudes, portraits and contemporary customs with strong compositional ability and colour.


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