甲斐的山里 , 油畫 畫布 45.3 x 53cm ; Mountain village in Kaiwa , Oil on Canvas 甲斐的山里 , 油畫 畫布 45.3 x 53cm ; Mountain village in Kaiwa , Oil on Canvas 甲斐山, 油畫 畫布 32 x 41cm ; Mountain Kaiwa , Oil on Canvas 秋果圖 , 油畫 畫布 38x45.5 cm ; Autumn fruit , Oil on Canvas  

大久保作次郎 Okubo Sakujiro

日本 1890-1973

Japanese 1890-1973
Born in Osaka, graduated from the Tokyo Academy of Fine Arts, won the Japan Academy of Fine Arts Award in 1960, became a member of the Japan Academy of Fine Arts in 1963, and a founding member of the Nitten Consultant New Century Art Association. In addition to landscape painting, he likes to paint in bright rooms, terraces, Draw people on benches under trees and other well-lit outdoor locations. His work is all in the modest style of the ambient optical school.

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