廣小路 , 油畫 畫布 33×45.2cm ; Hirokoji , Oil on Canvas        

小絲源太郎 Koito Gentaro

出生於東京都上野。 1904年在白馬會畫展上看到藤島武二的《蝴蝶》深受感動,決定成為一名西洋畫家。 1906年參加東京美術學校西畫科入學考試進入金工科。 畢業後再次進入西畫系但因病退學。 1910年,還是學生的他就入選了第四屆文展展,並於1913年舉辦了首次個展。 1926年他在聖德太子表彰展上展出《藥草園》,捲土重來,其細膩的描繪贏得了好評。 1935年他的筆觸變得更加粗獷,形成了筆觸濃烈、色彩對比強烈、形式簡單的獨特畫風。 1959年成為日本藝術院院士,1965年榮獲文化勳章。

Born in Ueno, Tokyo. In 1904, he was deeply touched by Fujishima Takeji\'s Butterfly at the Hakkaikai exhibition and decided to become a Western painter. In 1906, he took the entrance examination for the Western Painting Department of the Tokyo Fine Arts School and entered the Gold Work Department. After graduation, he re-entered the Western Painting Department but dropped out due to illness. In 1910, while still a student, he was selected for the Fourth Cultural Exhibition and held his first solo exhibition in 1913. In 1926 he made a comeback by exhibiting The Herb Garden at the Prince Sainte-Thérèse Commendation Exhibition, winning acclaim for its delicate depiction. In 1935, his brushwork became even more bold, resulting in a unique style of painting with strong brushwork, strong colour contrasts and simple forms. He became a member of the Japan Art Academy in 1959 and was awarded the Order of Culture in 1965.

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