小丑, 油畫 畫布 41x31.8cm ; Clown , Oil on Canvas        

森勇 Mori Isamu

1927年出生於愛知縣,現居名古屋市,師從畫家鬼頭鍋三郎,在甲府會活躍期間,與日展結為好友,並被選為日本藝術展的特別選拔者。委託,參加日展。 在家鄉愛知縣,他獲得了中日獎,在中部國際藝術展上展出,並舉辦了許多個展。
他以其獨特的風格而受到關注,多年來持續畫小丑,並出版了《小丑的102天》等素描集。他也曾在中日文化中心大部教室教授西畫。 作品收藏於愛知縣立美術館等地。

Born in Aichi Prefecture in 1927, currently living in Nagoya City. His mentor was painter Kito Nabesaburo, and while active as a member of the Kofu-kai, he also became a member of the Nitten Association, and after being selected twice for the Nitten Exhibition, was commissioned to exhibit at the Nitten Exhibition. In his hometown of Aichi Prefecture, he has won the Chunichi Prize, exhibited at the Chubu International Figurative Exhibition, and held numerous solo exhibitions.
He has attracted attention for his unique style, and has continued to paint clowns for many years, publishing sketch collections including \"102 Days of Pierrot.\"
He also teaches Western-style painting at the Chunichi Cultural Center Obu Classroom and other institutions. His works are in the collections of the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art and elsewhere.

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