2012-08-11 新典藝術中心 - 靜謐‧出塵 極簡大師 : 蕭如松 藝術欣賞 Serendipity Art Gallery - Quiet and Elegant : The Master of Minimalist Watercolour Ju-Sung Hsiao

文 盧俊棋  / 英國倫敦藝術大學 - 創意產業管理碩士    

    台灣美術史上知名的水彩畫家蕭如松(1922-1992), 一生過著嚴謹自律的生活,他的創作獨樹一格,作品擅長面與線分割交織,營造出潔淨透明的視覺感受。明快的線條、簡練的色彩,在具象間增加了畫面的豐富性。 「極簡主義」的畫風,不但呈現多層次的遠近感,更將物像簡約成幾何形狀。在他筆下,簡單的筆觸或線條,都有著濃烈的情感,靜謐出塵,晶瑩剔透而充滿詩意。

    蕭氏的 作品「夜市」系列,創作靈感來自橋畔的柳樹群。除刻意將作品主題轉變成圓形、橢圓形及紡錘形,更以顯著的橢圓形構圖,跳脫過去一成不變的方形構圖,嘗試以 圓形對視覺感官做嘗試性的探索。他將連續相同的圓形,組合成同一畫面,在視覺上產生連續的動 感及錯置的方向,這正是他的畫作益顯珍稀的原因。蕭氏在各類題材都有所發揮,他習慣思考探究事物的本質,以極簡的方式呈現內心世界。其畫風演變也與個人生 活經驗、居家環境緊密相連。他將藝術價值提升至更高的境界,因此蕭氏對台灣水彩繪畫的發展更是功不可沒。


  展覽主題:靜謐‧出塵  極簡大師-蕭如松畫展




電話:886 3 5616511



By Lu Chun-Chi  

   Hsiao Ju-Sung (1922 - 1992) was the famous watercolour artist in Taiwan art history. He used a unique style to draw strong lines with a steady level to display his artworks. Simply line and clean colour increased the richness of the picture in figurative. He used minimalist style to presents variety of level and sense of distance as well as he made everything in simply images like a geometric shapes.  Hsiao Ju-Sung’s work could be said to have simple line have great emotion and elegant with crystal clear and poetic.

  “Night Market”, Hsiao draws inspiration from the willow group of bridge side and deliberates to use round, oval and spindle shape for the themes. Hsiao uses consecutive circles to combine together into a screen and these circles make visual continuous dynamic and misplaced therefore, that is why this painting is rare and valuable. Hsiao uses various themes to draw his painting and he always gets used to think about the core of substance. So that, Hsiao likes to use minimalist style to presents his inner world. Hsiao painting style is always related with personal life experience and home environment. Consequently, Hsiao contributes his life to develop watercolour in Taiwan.

   Hsiao uses various themes to draw his painting and he always gets used to think about the core of substance. So that, Hsiao likes to use minimalist style to presents his inner world. Hsiao painting style is always related with personal life experience and home environment. Consequently, Hsiao contributes his life to develop watercolour in Taiwan.

 Quiet and Elegant  : The Master of Minimalist Watercolour Ju-Sung Hsiao

Serendipity Art Gallery


No.503,Sec.2,Guangfu Rd.,Hsinchu City, Taiwan




新典藝術中心 版權所有© 2010 Serendipity Art Gallery All Rights Reserved
地址:300 新竹市光復路二段503號. 電話: 886-3-561-6511 ; 傳真: 886-3-561-0580