2012-10-30 台北藝術博覽會 2012 Art Taipei - 經典區 A24 : 新典藝術中心

位於新竹的新典藝術中心, 成立於20059月畫廊,負責人從20多年的收藏家轉變成畫廊的經營者。因此所經營的作品不斷跟著藝術潮流而演進。從本土作品典藏延伸至國際級的作品;從過去台灣前輩藝術家時期像是,廖繼春、李石樵、楊三郎;到第二代畫家沈哲哉、陳銀輝、陳景容,而年輕的藝術家陳孟澤,皆有長期經營其作品。近年來由於全球經濟板塊位移,現今全球藝術市場亞洲成為重要勢力,因此主力轉為經營具有潛力的國際知名藝術家,如丁雄泉、蕭如松及蔡雲程。此次博覽會展出的作品皆為藝術家經典之作。


ART TP 2012 台北藝術博覽會

新典藝術中心 展位A24

:  2012 11 9 (五)至 11 12 (一) 

:  上午 11 時至下午 7 時( 12 日至下午 6 時) 

:  2012 11 8 (四)下午 3 時至 9  

: 台北世界貿易中心 (B+C+D) ; 11011台北市信義路五段五號

Serendipity Art Gallery was founded in September, 2005 and was located in Hsinchu City. Our director has been a 20 years of collection experience into gallery business therefore, our dealing artworks continuously follow the time of trend. We specialize in Taiwan old master, Modern Taiwan and International art. The following of the artists have long-term business works from early Taiwanese artists such as Chi Chun Liao, Shih-Chiao Lee, San-Lang Yang and second generation artists such as Che-Tsai Shen, Yin-Huei Chen, Jing-Rong Chen and also young artist such as Meng-Tze Chen. Owing to global economic plate displacement, Asia art become a significant market in recent years. Therefore, we are mainly dealing with international well-known artists such as Walasse Ting, Ju-Sung Hsiao and Hu Chua , above of these artists’ works will present in Art Taipei.

1. Walasse Ting colourful Nude series:  Ting was very clever to integrate Eastern interweaving spray skill and Western wild colour into his works. He was usually to use women, flowers, cats and parrots in his painting of theme. His works are bullish market outlook in recent trends.2. Ju-Sung Hsiao still life and figure series:  Hsiao used opaque watercolour to draw strong lines with a steady level to display his artworks. His art could be said simple with abundant space-level, rich and varied, transparent, adding rhythm to the picture.3. Hu Chua Iron Bridge series: Chua owned blue school and he was exemplary to use blue colour to paint his works. Blue is symbolizing melancholy, quiet, noble and elegant as well. His work is fully to integrate into dream and fantasy furthermore, also presents expresses another dimension between 2D and 3D on canvas.

Art Taipei 2012

Serendipity Art Gallery at A24

Artist: Walasse Ting / Ju Sung Hsaio / Hu Chua / Chi Chun Laio / San Lang Yang

Exhibition Date :  Nov /  9  (Fri.)至 Nov /12 (Mon.) 2012

Exhibition Time :  11 am to  7 pm( Nov /12 until 6 pm)

Priview : Nov / 8 (Thur.)  3 pm to  9 pm

Location : Taipei World Trade Centre (Area B+C+D) ; No.5, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 11011, Taiwan



新典藝術中心 版權所有© 2010 Serendipity Art Gallery All Rights Reserved
地址:300 新竹市光復路二段503號. 電話: 886-3-561-6511 ; 傳真: 886-3-561-0580