2010-09-15 新典藝術中心 - 陳孟澤 95年度廖繼春油畫創作獎 作品展 ; Serendipity Art Gallery - Chen Meng-Tze Solo Exhibition , the Sixth Liao Chi-Chun Oil Painting Award in 2006

      「廖繼春油畫創作 獎」係為紀念臺灣前輩畫家廖繼春而於財團法人台北市文化基金會下設紀念獎助金所設置之獎項,旨在獎勵具傑出成就之美術工作者。「第六屆廖繼春油畫創作獎」 獲獎者為陳孟澤。 陳孟澤以「透明之間」為題,將展出以溫室、櫥窗為題材的30多件作品。「櫥窗系列」(2003-2005),前期運用油畫的可重疊性,厚重地表現多層次的 場景擺設與華麗的模特兒服飾,藉以反映現代都會的奢華景觀;後期創作則捨棄裝飾性的表現,寫實描繪櫥窗裡模特兒的姿態與表情,藉以傳達現代人不安與無奈的 情緒。《溫室風景》系列(2006),從日本筑波實驗植物園取景,原本生長於亞熱帶的植物卻出現在北國的溫室,而看似安祥的植物樣態卻流露自由受限的矛盾 表情,陳孟澤從旁觀角度理性描繪這樣奇異的人造景觀。 溫室與櫥窗為人類生活特有的展示空間,其透明的玻璃結構,既滿足了觀看的穿透性要求,也達到防護性的隔離效果。在繪畫創作上,玻璃的光影變化,提供創作者 更多新奇的視覺想像。陳孟澤運用油畫的透明特質,以溫和的色調、細膩的筆觸,描繪觀者與環境反映在玻璃上的殘像;於是溫室的植物影像,與櫥窗的人偶傀儡, 在虛實相應的構圖中,自成一處處寧靜而充滿詩意的無人之境。現代人空虛而寂寞的失焦感受,無言地隱藏在陳孟澤似真非真的「透明之間」。

      The Liao Chi-Chun Oil Painting Award, a scholarship offered by Taipei Culture Foundation commemorating a senior Taiwanese artist Liao Chi-chun, is set up to praise and honor excellent art workers. Chen Meng-Tze is the winner of the Sixth Liao Chi-Chun Oil Painting Award in 2006. Chen Meng-Tze’s exhibition mainly focuses on the over 30 pieces of works on greenhouse and shop window. The early Shop Window series event (2003-2005) used the overlapping of oil paintings to heavily present the multi-layers of the layout of the set and the fancy costumes of the models and from there to reflect the luxury of the modern society; while later it gave up the decoration to depict the reality of the poses and facial expressions of the model in the shop windows and from there to convey the tension and helplessness of the modern people. The Greenhouse View series (2006) presents the view at the Tsukuba Botanical Garden in Japan, where you can find the sub-tropical plants that seem peaceful but reveal the inconsistency between freeness and restriction. Chen Meng-Tze objectively depicts such extraordinary manmade views from the viewpoint of an outsider. Greenhouse and shop window are unique to human life in terms of exhibition space. The transparent glass structure allows the viewers to look through as well as satisfies the isolation effect of protection. On the painting creations, the changing between light and shadow on glasses offers a wide range of unique visual imagination. Chen Meng-Tze used the transparent feature of oil paintings to depict the after-image between viewers and the environment with tender tones and exquisite brushes. Therefore, the plant images at the greenhouse and the figures at the shop window have constructed a tranquil and poetic no-man land between the visual and realistic setting. The emptiness and loneliness of the modern people is silently lurking in the Looking Through exhibition by Chen Meng-Tze.

新聞出處 (News) : http://www.tfam.museum/03_Exhibitions/Default.aspx?PKID=231



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