2011-09-28 新典藝術中心 - 蕭如松:經典作品展 ; Serendipity Art Gallery - Hsiao, Ju-Sung's works Exhibition

   台灣台北人。新竹師範學校(今國立新竹教育大學)畢業其作品曾獲台陽展佳作獎、全省美展文協獎及主席獎、台北西區扶輪社美術展、中國畫學會1972年度最 優水彩畫家金爵獎。應邀參加青文展、中日交換展、美國羅德島新港中國當代畫家聯展、費城中國文化展、1988年文建會策辦中華民國當代美術展,哥斯大黎加 國立博物館、瓜地馬拉現代美術館及巴拿馬現代美術巡迴展,曾任中國畫學會、台陽美術協會會員、青雪美術會會員,竹東中學美術教員,全省展審查委員及新竹縣 展審查委員。1991年獲第十四屆吳三連文藝獎 (西畫類) 。1992年台北市立美術館舉辦「蕭如松紀念畫展」。 2004年文建會於故居成立蕭如松藝術園區;藝術家出版社出版台灣美術全集24集。

    蕭如松在畫面上慣用平面與線的的分割交織,造就畫面多 層次遠近感,並將物像簡約成幾何形狀,明快的線條及簡鍊的色面在具象間增加了畫面的豐富感,因此即使 簡單的筆觸或線條,都有濃烈的情感關注其中,所以在他的筆下多見靜逸,晶瑩且充滿詩意,他也將台灣水彩價值提升與油畫並駕齊驅的境界,對台灣水彩發展更是 功不可沒。

    新典藝術中心也 提供海外華人、台灣當代、及具潛力年輕畫家創作的作品,欣賞畫作的同時,讓我們一起來認識台灣美術的發展,啟發對藝術更深的認識。

   Hsiao was born in Taipei and graduated from Hsinchu Normal College, Hsiao has won a series of awards including the Excellent Work Prize at the Taiyang Show, the Literary Award and the Chairman Award presented by the Fine Arts Exhibition of Taiwan Province, the Art by the Rotary Club of West Taipei, and the Golden Belt Award given by the Art Society of China in 1972 for the most excellent water-colourist. He has been invited to participate in the Seibum Show, the Exchange Exhibition of Fine Arts between China and Japan, the Jointed Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Artists in Newport, Rhode Island, U. S. A. as well as in the Chinese Culture Show in Philadelphia. He has also been invited to the exhibition of Contemporary Painting from the R.O.C by Council for Cultural Affairs in 1988, National Museum of Costa Rica, Guatemala and Panama, Modern Art Museum of Modern Art Exhibition. A member of the Chinese Painting Society , the Taiyang Fine Arts Association and the Blue Cloud Fine Arts Association, he serves as supervisor of the Fine Art evaluation member in Taiwan and HsinChu County, the teacher at the East HsinChu High School, and jury of the Fine Arts Show in HsinChu County. Hsiao, Ju-Sung Art Museum establishes by Council for Cultural Affairs at 2004, The Artist press published Taiwan Fine Arts Series No.24.

    Hsiao, Ju-Sung used watercolour to draw strong lines with a steady level to display his artworks. His art could be said simple with abundant space-level, rich and varied, transparent, cool adding rhythm to the picture. He also enhanced the value of Taiwan's watercolour painting to keep pace with oil painting. Therefore, he was very important watercolourist because; he contributed his life to develop watercolour in Taiwan.

   Finally, the Serendipity Art Gallery provides overseas Chinese artists' works, Taiwan artists' works and some artworks of potential young artists. We hope you can enjoy in the art world furthermore, let us knowing the history of Taiwan fine art and we want to encourage people deeper to understand the art.


新典藝術中心 版權所有© 2010 Serendipity Art Gallery All Rights Reserved
地址:300 新竹市光復路二段503號. 電話: 886-3-561-6511 ; 傳真: 886-3-561-0580