2014-03-05 新典藝術中心 - 丁雄泉 綻放之風華絕代 ; Serendipity Art Gallery - Walasse Ting : Magnificent of Blooming

                                                                                                                                                                      文 盧俊棋 英國倫敦藝術大學 - 創意產業管理碩士

丁雄泉作品從20世紀70年代中後期經常聚焦在女人和花之間。他大部分圖畫主題很容易辨認,這些作品靈感來自於上海年幼時期漂亮的女人、花及鸚鵡的主題,而這全部都代表著女性 美的象徵。女人的裸體總是在一個空間裡伴隨著豐富綻放的鮮花充滿整個畫布。這所有的一切都在試圖展現女性細膩、美麗的生命並遊戲於畫布上的感覺。丁雄泉畫作不可否認它受到美國抽象表現主義的影響。畫作是以丙烯為顏料卻以纖細及輕盈的方式表現,潑灑技法是他個人的獨特風格,在視覺裡呈現出色彩豔麗的作品。女人被鮮花包圍著,觀者像是被美麗女人所圍繞,這是藝術家對女人的愛和美麗是個很明顯的例子。我們將提供最新藝術市場分析及市場動態,持續推薦值得關注的西洋與華人、現代、當代藝術家作品。

展期:2014/03/01 - 2014/05/30

地點: 新典藝術中心

地址: 台灣30071新竹市光復路二段503

The recurring focal point in Walasse Ting's paintings from the late 1970s is the interaction between the woman and the flowers. Ting's late motif universe is easily recognisable, magical, almost. It is inspired by the beautiful women of his childhood in Shanghai, flowers and parrots, motifs which are all seen as symbols of female beauty. The women are often naked, the space indefinable, and the flowers fill the canvas with their abundant bloom. All of this in an attempt to show the delicacy of the woman, the beauty of life and the senses at play on the canvas. The palette is exclusively acrylics, but processed in so fragile and light a way that the eye might be tempted to believe that it is bright and pretty colour in places. It is a clear example of the artist's love of women and their beauty. The woman is surrounded by flowers and the beholder is left in a dream universe in which the beauty of the woman overwhelms the surrounding space. The spray skill is his unique style, but traces of the American abstract expressionists cannot be denied. We will provide an analysis of the latest market dynamics and recommend Western and Chinese modern artist and works on which to keep an eye.

Date:2014/03/01 - 2014/05/30

Venue: Serendipity Art Gallery

Address: No.503,Sec.2,Guangfu Rd.,Hsinchu city 30071 Taiwan


新典藝術中心 版權所有© 2010 Serendipity Art Gallery All Rights Reserved
地址:300 新竹市光復路二段503號. 電話: 886-3-561-6511 ; 傳真: 886-3-561-0580