2010-06-19 新典藝術中心 - 蕭如松作品欣賞展 ; Serendipity Art Gallery - Hsiao, Ju-Sung 's Artworks Exhibition


      蕭如松1922年 生於台灣台北,曾任小學、初中、高中美術教師及新竹師範學院兼任教師,其作品曾獲台陽展佳作獎與中國學會1972年度最優 水彩畫家金爵獎等。蕭氏曾應邀參加中日交換展、美國新港中國當代畫家聯展、費城中國文化展,並曾任中國畫學會、台陽美術協會會員青 雲美術會會員。

      60年 代西方現代前衛畫派狂飆橫掃,40而 立的蕭如松,師法畢卡索,蕭如松深耕藝田,以水彩創作聞 名。他捨棄渲染淋漓的透明水彩,改採線條有力、層次沉穩的不透明水彩。畫風簡潔,在二度 平面中,空間層次豐富多變,作品澄淨、透明、清涼並充滿韻律。作品《橋邊》造型簡潔,澄如明鏡,色彩沉靜如水,造型上常在抽象與半具象的形象之間變化,並帶有神秘大樓玻璃帷幕及抽象立體由外向內的思維,以綠色搭配簡 潔俐落的構圖,色彩的運用,由內向外可看出透視與視野景觀,畫面單純直 接,玻璃與窗的系列充滿理性與冷靜的抒情,力道直接觀者的內心深處,作品似乎與觀眾 之間的對話。此次的展覽有學生群像,休憩,休假,姊妹及風景等作品。

      同時館內常態展出有海外華人如 蔡雲程,丁雄泉,及大陸前中央美院副院長羅工柳,台灣前輩畫家,廖繼春,李石樵,楊三郎 等畫家經典之作及中青輩等作品。年青輩有第六屆廖繼春創作獎得主 陳孟澤,亦是本畫廊推薦代理的年輕藝術家,歡迎參觀指教。新典藝術中心

  Hsiao was born in Taipei Taiwan. He was a teacher in Hsinchu normal college. Hsiao has won a series of awards including the Excellent Work Prize at the Taiyang Show and the Golden Belt Award (excellent watercolourist) given by the Art Society of China in 1972. He has been invited to participate in the Exchange Exhibition of Fine Arts between China and Japan, the Jointed Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Artists in Newport, Rhode Island, U. S. A., Chinese Culture Show in Philadelphia, U. S. A. He was a member of the Chinese Painting Society and Taiyang Fine Art Association and the Blue Cloud Fine Arts Association.

  In the 60's Western modern avant-garde painting was the most popular style in the world. Hsiao was a specialist in watercolour but he imitated Picasso´s work. He used opaque watercolour to draw strong lines with a steady level to display his artworks. His art is simple with abundant space-level, rich and varied, transparent, cool adding rhythm to the picture.The work "bridge" shapes are simple and coloured. This picture, using watercolours, evolves between abstract and semi-abstract styles and at the same time it looks like building glass-curtain and three-dimensional abstract structures. Hsiao used grass-green and perspective drawing to make whole the picture.Hsiao’s glass and windows series are full sense and sensibility, the audience seem to communicate with the piece of work and the painting seems to deeply enter into the audience innerself. This exhibition contains other Hsiao’s works including “student Images”, “leisure”, “ tion”,” sisters” and other works.Hsiao’s glass and windows series are full sense and sensibility, the audience seem to communicate with the piece of work and the painting seems to deeply enter into the audience innerself. This exhibition contains other Hsiao’s works including “student images”, “leisure”, “ vacation”,” sisters” and other works.

 Furthermore, the gallery also has normal display which, include overseas Chinese (Chua, Hu; Ting, Wallasse; Luo, Gong-Liu) artworks and Taiwan old master (Liao, Chi Chun; Lee, Shih-Chiao; Yang, San-Lang) artworks. As well as, we also display Chen, Meng-Tze’s artworks. Mr. Chen, Meng-Tze won the Sixth Liao, Chi Chun Oil Painting Award. The Liao, Chi Chun Oil Painting Award is the very well-known prize therefore; it is not easy to get this award. Finally we are very welcome you to visit Serendipity Art Gallery.


新典藝術中心 版權所有© 2010 Serendipity Art Gallery All Rights Reserved
地址:300 新竹市光復路二段503號. 電話: 886-3-561-6511 ; 傳真: 886-3-561-0580