2010-12-30 新典藝術中心 - 名家典藏展 ; Serendipity Art Gallery - Masters Collection Exhibition

                                文 盧俊棋 / 英國倫敦藝術大學 - 創意產業管理碩士

   本展展出 廖繼春,李石樵,楊三郎,劉啟祥,蕭如松,蔡雲程,葉火城,張義雄.等台灣第一代藝術家作品,展出油畫作品共十餘件,其實藝術家對生活的觀察與抒發大都表 現在他們的作品。因此本次展覽作品大多反映日據時代台灣社會到近代台灣社會的紀錄作品,並成為台灣紀錄藝術發展的最佳見證。


     李石樵大致可分為三大風 格,具象寫實、西方立體、自我光燦風格,在他有生之年不停探索西方大師的作品,因此卻也造就他繪畫堅實厚重,從顏料清澈透明感,無形間將賽尚,波納爾的作 品化為自我光燦風格。

     楊三郎以嫩綠、嫩黃、鮮綠及翠綠等的四組色,在楊三郎的作品似乎可以中嗅出陽光的味道,這似乎是他最獨特的用色技法,因為楊三郎的作品是運用外光派(分光法)的技法 在加上,後印象派的表現,呈現出楊三郎台灣本土印象的風格。

     劉啟祥的作品稍帶頹廢與夢幻的畫面氛圍,猶如南台灣艷陽照射下的濃麗花果、景緻,抽離了色彩, 劉啟祥固然有畫家個人氣質與當時生活情調的背景使然,但也正是他所受"文化學院"自由學風的延續反映。

     蕭如松在畫面上慣用平面與線的的分割交織,造就畫面多層次遠近感,並將物像簡約成幾何形狀,明快的線條及簡鍊的色面在具象間增加了畫面的豐富感,因此即使 簡單的筆觸或線條,都有濃烈的情感關注其中,所以在他的筆下多見靜逸,晶營且充滿詩意,他也將台灣水彩價值提升與油畫並駕齊驅的境界,對台灣水彩發展更是 功不可沒。

     蔡雲程自創藍色畫派,以藍色運用堪稱經典,藍色除了給觀者沉鬱的感覺,亦有清靜、高尚、雅潔的感受。在蔡雲程的畫面上揉合西方繪畫技巧與中國古 典藝術得非常巧妙。

     葉火城勤於寫生其作品構圖嚴謹,善常紀錄台灣北海岸風景,且其畫面岩石的處理上更有其獨到之處,加上用色多樣豐富,被譽為「岩石之父」,對台灣本土美術教 育有卓越貢獻。


     最後新典藝術中心也 提供海外華人、台灣當代、及具潛力年輕畫家創作的作品,欣賞畫作的同時,讓我們一起來認識台灣美術的發展,啟發對藝術更深的認識。

By Lu Chun-Chi

   The exhibition includes the works of Taiwanese old master artists:  Liao, Chi Chun , Lee, Shih-Chiao , Yang, San-Lang , Liu, Chi-hsiang, Hsiao, Ju-Sung , Chua, Hu , Yeh, Huo-Cheng , Chang, Yi-Hsiung and they are all first generation artists in Taiwan In fact, the artist is the live observer and they use what they observation to perform in most of their works. Therefore, most of artworks in this exhibition reflect the society of the colonial era to modern Taiwan. There are over ten pieces of paintings displaying in the exhibition and these old master pieces become the best witness to developed and recorded Taiwan fine art.

   Liao Chi Chun’s works colour tones is strong. He was proficient to use gorgeous colour and harmonious cosy to paint his works. Especially his liked to use pink and green and light blue to present on the frame. His work is confidently certainly and colourful of Taiwan Fauvism style.

    Lee, Shih-Chiao's works can broadly divide into three different periods. Such as, Realism periods, the Cubism periods and Personal style (Lee, Shih-Chiao style). In his lifetime he was not stop to explore Western art masters artworks. The clarity and transparencies of the thick paint as a result of careful rubbing and building up testify to “Lee, Shih-Chiao style” that thoroughly assimilated Cezanne’s and Bonnard’s influence.

    Yang, San-Lang's works could see the sunshine on his work. He was adept to use vivid green, vivid yellow, fresh green and jade green to display on his works. These colours seemed to be his unique skill. Yang, used divisionism add post impressionism to present Taiwanese impressionism.

    Liu, Chi-hsiang's works are slightly decadent and fantasy. Liu, had studied in “Bunka Gakuin” college. Therefore, his works reflect liberty of academy and personal temperament.

   Hsiao, Ju-Sung used watercolour to draw strong lines with a steady level to display his artworks. His art is simple with abundant space-level, rich and varied, transparent, cool adding rhythm to the picture. He also enhanced the value of Taiwan's watercolour painting to keep pace with oil painting. Therefore, he was very important watercolourist because; he contributed his life to develop watercolour in Taiwan.

    Chua, Hu owned blue school and he was exemplary to use blue colour to paint his works. Blue is symbolizing melancholy and there are also mean for quiet, noble and elegant feeling as well. Chua, was very clever to blend the techniques of Western painting and Chinese painting on his works.

    Yeh, Huo-Cheng's composition was strict and diligently to sketch. Yeh, was adept to record the north of Taiwan coast and had unique technique to depict rock. Yeh, was honoured as the "Father of Rock" in Taiwan art history. He was the role model for educators and artists. He had outstanding contribution in Taiwan fine art education.

    Chang, Yi-Hsiung likes to use black line and white block to present his work. Whatever, the artwork is a still life, scenery or an unimportant person, its all belong to Chang's truly world and live trace.

     Finally, the Serendipity Art Gallery provides overseas Chinese artists' works, Taiwan artists' works and some artworks of potential young artists. We hope you can enjoy in the art world furthermore, let us knowing the history of Taiwan fine art and we want to encourage people deeper to understand the art.





新典藝術中心 版權所有© 2010 Serendipity Art Gallery All Rights Reserved
地址:300 新竹市光復路二段503號. 電話: 886-3-561-6511 ; 傳真: 886-3-561-0580