山湖(信州木崎湖), 油畫 畫布 38 x 45.5 cm ; Lake Yamako (Kizaki Lake, Shinshu) , Oil on Canvas        

中村善策 Nakamura Zensaku

日本1901 - 1983
1925 年入選二科展覽。從那時起,它每年都展出,直到1936年北海道美術協會展(道展)創立會員。
1946 一水会委員。在日展上展出。從那時起,它每年都會展出。
1961 年東京國立近代美術館購入該作品。
1978 年獲得旭日勳章金光與玫瑰四等。
Born in Otaru, Hokkaido.
1916 Entered Otaru Western Painting School 1924: Moved to Tokyo, attended Kawabata Painting School and was selected for the Central Art Exhibition. Participated in the formation of the Taiji Society.
In 1925, he was selected for the Second Section Exhibition. From then on, it was exhibited every year until 1936 when the Hokkaido Art Association Exhibition (Dao Exhibition) was founded as a member.
He moved to Tokyo in 1931.
In 1936, the 23rd Futsukko exhibition featured \"White Lighthouse\" and \"Solo Boat\", which were awarded special prizes in the Futsukko exhibition.
In 1937, he received a scholarship award from the Issui Exhibition. Member of the Ichimizu Society. 1941 4th Shinbun Exhibition (Toyoji), no review
1946 Member of the Issui Society. Exhibited at the Japan Exhibition. Since then, it has been exhibited every year.
1948 Works acquired by the former Ministry of Education.
1950 Moved to Kami-Ochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo.
Acquired by the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo in 1961.
In 1967 it won the Minister of Education\'s Prize at the 10th Japanese Exhibition Ishikari Bay Hills Village.
In 1969 he was awarded the Japan Academy of Arts Prize for his work in the 11th Japanese Exhibition (Hiramu no Kamui Kotan). The work was purchased by the Japan Art Academy.
In 1978 he was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Light and Rose 4th Class.
He is well known for his many excellent works in the field of landscape painting. His real name is Yoshisaku Nakamura. Nakamura\'s landscape paintings are based on realism and are bright and open. His style of painting is known as \"Maesaku painting\" and is characterised by the humanistic landscape that can be seen in people\'s lives, rather than the rough and raw nature.

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