浅間山 , 油畫 畫布 56 x 65 cm ; Mount Asama , Oil on Canvas 浅間山 , 油畫 畫布 56 x 65 cm ; Mount Asama , Oil on Canvas      

田崎廣助 Tasaki Hirosuke

日本 1898 -1984
出生於福岡縣八女郡北山村(現八女市花町)。他的真名是田﨑廣次。 1917年畢業於福岡縣師範學校(現福岡師範大學),師從坂本繁二郎、安井曾太郎。我還參加了關西美術學院。
參加尼卡展後,1932年赴法國留學,1933年獲奧托姆沙龍獎。 1935年回到日本。 1939年,參與創立一水會。
1968年,獲得聖寶勳章。 1974 年,獲得巴西政府授予的指揮官和軍官章。
田崎去世後,田崎美術館於 1986 年在輕井澤開館。
2017 田崎廣助美術館在他的家鄉八女市開館。

Born in Kitayama Village, Yawara-gun, Fukuoka (now Hanamachi, Yawara City). His real name was Hiroji Tanaki. Graduated from Fukuoka Prefectural Normal School (now Fukuoka Normal University) in 1917, where he studied under Shigejiro Sakamoto and Sotaro Yasui. I also attended the Kansai Art Institute.
After participating in the Nika Exhibition, I went to France in 1932 to study and received the Ottomansalon Prize in 1933. He returned to Japan in 1935. In 1939, he was involved in the founding of the Ichisui Association.
After the war, he formed the Koryo-kai with Togo Shouji and others, and organised the Japan-Brazil Contemporary Art Exhibition (Shouji White Star, Brazil).
He has been a member of the jury of the Japan Art Exhibition since 1949 (adviser to the Japan Art Exhibition in 1958, director in 1967 and adviser in 1978.)
Awarded the Japan Academy of Fine Arts in 1961 and became a member of the Japan Academy of Fine Arts in 1967.
Awarded the Order of the Sacred Treasure in 1968. In 1974, he was awarded the Commander and Officer medals by the Brazilian government.
In 1975, he was awarded the Medal of Cultural Merit.
After Tazaki\'s death, the Tazaki Museum of Art was opened in Karuizawa in 1986.
In 2017, the Tazaki Museum of Art was opened in his hometown of Yawara.

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