伊豆山風景 , 油畫 畫布 38x45.5 cm ; Izu Mountain Scenery , Oil on Canvas 伊那谷之櫻, 油畫 畫布 38 x 45.5cm ; Sakura of Inagaya , Oil on Canvas      

楢原健三 Kenzo Narahara

1907 - 1999
出生於東京市赤坂區。 在東京美術學校師從藤島武二。 1930年還是學生的他以《數寄屋橋風景》首次入選帝展。 戰後他參加了示現會的創立並擔任會長。 1958 日展會員。 1981年獲得日本美術學院獎,1988年成為日本美術學院會員。 1993年,他被授予三等瑞宝勳章。
Japanese 1907 - 1999
Born in Akasaka, Tokyo. Studied under Takeji Fujishima at the Tokyo Art School. In 1930, as a student, he was selected for the first time for the Teikoku Exhibition with his painting Landscape of the Bridge of the House of Several Yakushas. After the war he took part in the founding of the Society for the Presentation of Modern Art and was its president. 1958 Member of the Japan Exhibition. In 1981 he received the Japan Academy of Fine Arts Award and in 1988 he became a member of the Japan Academy of Fine Arts. In 1993, he was awarded the Order of the Third Class of the Rebel.

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