駒岳(箱根) , 油畫 畫布 44 x 51.5 cm ;Komagake (Hakone) , Oil on Canvas 駒岳(箱根) , 油畫 畫布 44 x 51.5 cm ;Komagake (Hakone) , Oil on Canvas      

中村研一 Nakamura Kenichi

日本 1895 - 1967
1893年出生於宗像郡南鄉村。1909年考入故鄉宮田村真城小學校和東鄉高等小學校,進入修遊館中學。上學時,受大他兩歲的兒島善三郎之邀,參加了繪畫社“調色盤”,開始熟悉繪畫。1914年從同一所學校畢業後,他希望進入藝術學校,但沒有得到父親的許可,於是他以準備高三的入學考試為名去了京都,成為了鹿小木孟郎的弟子。 . 次年,在鹿子木孟郎的建議下得到父親的許可,考入美術學校,赴東京就讀於岡田三郎介主持的本鄉畫院。同年考入東京美術學校西洋部。1920年畢業於同校,同年首次入選帝展,次年獲特別獎。自從在美術學校讀書的時候,他就希望出國留學。1928年回國同年連續兩次入選帝展,1930年獲帝國美術學院獎。從那時起他一直活躍在官展覽中,直到戰後的日展,並從 1958 年起擔任日展的常務董事。從1928年起,他也作為Kofukai的一員隸屬於光風會。戰後他參加了日本藝術協會展和當代日本藝術展。1950年成為日本美術院會員。

Japanese 1895 - 1967
Born in 1893 in Minamigo village, Munakata-gun, he entered his hometown in 1909 at Miyata-mura Shinjo Elementary School and Togo High School, and then Shuyukan High School. After graduating from the same school in 1914, he wished to enter an art school but was unable to obtain his father\'s permission, so he went to Kyoto under the pretext of preparing for the entrance exams for his senior year and became a disciple of Kagoshiki Monroe. . The following year, he received his father\'s permission to enter an art school on the advice of Kagoshiki Monroe, and went to Tokyo to study at the Hongo Art School, headed by Okada Saburosuke. In 1920 he graduated from the same school and was selected for the first time for the Teikoku Exhibition in the same year, winning a special prize the following year. From the time he was a student at the art school, he wanted to study abroad, and in 1928 he returned to China and was selected for two consecutive exhibitions in the same year, winning the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts Prize in 1930. From then on he was active in official exhibitions until the post-war Japan Exhibition, of which he was a permanent director from 1958. He was also a member of the Kofukai from 1928 onwards. After the war he participated in the Japan Art Association Exhibition and the Contemporary Japanese Art Exhibition, and became a member of the Japan Art Academy in 1950.

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