上越水上風景 , 油畫 畫布 38 x 45.5 cm ; Joetsu Minakami Landscape , Oil on Canvas        

青山龍水 Aoyama Ryusui

日本 1905-1998
生於長崎縣南高木郡口之津町(現南島原市口之津町)。 1937 年,在二科會展覽會上首次入選後,每年都會展出(\'56 會員努力獎,\'65 清治獎,\'79 總理獎)。 1945年 成為二科會會員和日展覽委員會的成員。 1978年任二科會常務理事。 1981 被推薦為 Salon d\'Automne 的成員。

Japanese 1905-1998
Born in Kuchi-no-Tsu-cho, Minami-Takagi-gun, Nagasaki Prefecture (now Kuchi-no-Tsu-cho, Minamijimabara City). First selected for the NIKKOKAI exhibition in 1937 and exhibited every year since then (\'56 Members\' Effort Award, \'65 Kiyoharu Award, \'79 Prime Minister\'s Award). 1945 Became a member of the Nika Society and a member of the Japanese Exhibition Committee. 1978 Standing member of the Second Section Society. 1981 Recommended as a member of the Salon d\'Automne.

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